Simply Me...

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Flint, Michigan, United States
Here's my names Jenn, been practicing Paganism for 11 years now. I love being outdoors. I live with my boyfriend of over five years. He has a daughter who is 6 years old, and I love her as if she were my own. I have four cats, two are outdoors, and two are indoors. One indoor one, Willow, is my familiar and on my facebook you'll notice a ton of pics of her! My videos, followers, and contact info are at the very bottom of the page! This blog is for witchie stuff, daily life events, venting, journaling, and answering any questions. Ways you can contact me is through this blog, or my yahoo e-mail:, or

Friday, June 19, 2009

All that Litha Goodness...

litha fancy banner

This is a copy of the midsummer ritual written by my friend Terry, for the Sacred Birch Society


The Meaning of MidSummer on a spiritual level

By Onomaris

This is a time to reconnect with the Father and with the masculine within oneself.

Take the time to ask:

* Do I recognize and utilize the Father within myself and my life?

* What does the Father mean to me and why?

Summer solstice is a time when the sun reaches its peak - it "stand still" - and this is a wonderful analogy for the role of the solstice in one's life.

Step outside the flow and take stock of your life.

Are you living within the summer?

That is, not the past (the birth/springof life) and not the future (the death/autumn) and not the start ofthe next cycle (slumber before rebirth/winter) , but the present, the summer of your life?

This is a time when the sun is closest to the earth, and she responds with all her richness and bounty - and so should we.

Let go of the matters you had cleaned out to deal withduring Beltane and move onto enjoying the moment, building memories and living.

Summer is a wonderful time to start things - perfect for new relationships, handfastings and marriages.

Conceptions at this time are also wonderful - and will bring new life into the world in the Spring.

But beyond the traditional interpretation of such words, apply them to your own life.

What personal relationships have you embarked upon?

In what ways have you renewed old relationships?

What vows ofcommitment have you undertaken?

What new beginnings have you initiated?

Take the time to talk to the Gods - and to listen.

Partake of their bounty.

As always, try and stick to seasonal foods so that you aretruely partaking on the earth's bounty.

Drink herbal teas and water to cleanse and refresh yourself.

Light candles, incense, oils to purify and beautify your spaces.

Bring the sun into your home.

Bring the earth inside as well.

Live the days "in the moment" as much as possible.

summer solstice

Celtic Traditions

Druids, the priestly/professional/diplomatic corps in Celtic countries, celebrated Alban Heruin ("Light of the Shore").

It was midway between the spring Equinox (Alban Eiler; "Light of the Earth") and the fall Equinox (Alban Elfed; "Light of the Water").

This midsummer festival celebrates the apex of Light, sometimes symbolized in the crowning of the Oak King, God of the waxing year.

At his crowning, the Oak King falls to his darker aspect, the Holly King, God of the waning year..." The days following Alban Heruin form the waning part of the year because the days become shorter.

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Christian Traditions

After the conversion of Europe to Christianity, the feast day of St. John the Baptist was set as JUN-24.

It "is one of the oldest feasts, if not the oldest feast, introduced into both the Greek and Latin liturgies to honor a saint."

Curiously, the feast is held on the alleged date of his birth.

Other Christian saints' days are observed on the anniversary of their death.

The Catholic Encyclopedia explains that St. John was "filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother's womb...[thus his] birth...should be signalized as a day of triumph."

His feast day is offset a few days after the summer solstice, just as Christmas is fixed a few days after the winter solstice.

"Just as John was the forerunner to Jesus, midsummer forecasts the eventual arrival of" the winter solstice circa DEC-21.

litha pentagram

Wiccan Traditions:

Midsummer is the time when the sun reaches the peak of its power, the earth is green and holds the promise of a bountiful harvest.

The Mother Goddess is viewed as heavily pregnant, and the God is at the apex of his manhood and is honored in his guise as the supreme sun.

Black and white sun

Symbols of Midsummer

Other Names:
Summer Solstice, Litha, Alban Hefin, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whitsuntide, Vestalia, and St. John's Day

Colors: Red, Gold, Green, Blue, Tan

Symbols: Fire, The Sun, Blades, Mistletoe, Oak Trees, Balefire, Sun Wheels, and Faeries

Ritual Meanings: Honoring of Sun/God at His Power, Saying Farewell to the Waxing Year, Preparation for Harvest, Honoring the Pregnant Goddess, and Beginning of the Waning Year

Key Action: Nurture and Love

Ritual Oils: Heliotrope, Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Lavender, Orange, All Mint Oils, Lemon, and Saffron

Stones: Emerald, Jade, Tiger's Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Diamond

Plants: Mugwort, Vervain, Chamomile, Rose, Honeysuckle, Lily, Oak, Lavender, Ivy, Yarrow, Fern, Elder, Wild Thyme, Daisy, Carnation, Mistletoe, Frankincense, Lemon, Sandalwood, Heliotrope, Copal, Saffron, Galangal, Laurel, and Ylang-Ylang.

Activities: Jumping the Balefire, Gathering Herbs, Clan Gatherings, and Dressing Up

Taboos: Giving Away Fire, Sleeping Away from Home, and Neglecting Animals

Animals: Robin/Wren, Summer Birds, Horses, Cattle

Mythical Creatures: Satyrs, Faeries, Firebird, Dragon, Thunderbird, Manticore

Deities: Father Gods, Mother Goddesses, Pregnant Deities, Sun Gods, Aestas, Athena, Bona Dea, Freya, Hathor-Tiamet, Isis, Juno, Nut, Robigus, Aine, Artemis, Banba, Dana, Eos, Eriu, Grian, Sekhmet, Vesta, Baal, Dagda, , Hyperion, Gwydion, Llew, Ra, Thor, Apollo, Balder, Helios, Lugh, Oak/Holly King, Prometheus, Sol, Zeus

Foods: Summer Squash, Lemons, Oranges, Garden fresh fruits and vegetables

Drinks: Wine, Lemonade, Meade, Ales, Herbal Teas.



A marriage ceremony between witches or pagans is known as a Handfasting, from an old custom of formally betrothing couples by binding their hands together with a silken cord.

This is where our current term "giving one's hand in marriage" is derived from.

Handfasting among modern Witches usually marks the beginning of a formal commitment rather than a betrothal, and may be legally binding if performed by a licensed member of the clergy.

Today's Witches and other Pagans still adhere to many of the ancient handfasting customs.

Partners are asked to view their chosen mates as embodiments of the God or Goddess, and often-ritual purification takes place ahead of time so that the couple may align themselves fully with their patron deities.

Brides often carry bouquets of flowers or herbs that contain magical or symbolic energies. These might include myrtle or rue for love, wheat for abundance and fertility, ivy for fidelity, primrose for good luck and to garner the blessings of the fairy folk, and rosemary for health and sexual stamina.

Both men and women might wear circlets of flowers on their heads the way a king or queen would wear a crown to show their connection to a higher power and make clear that-at least for now-they are the representatives of the deities on earth.

Extant legal codes from the late Pagan period in Ireland tell us that a couple came into a marriage as equals, each with their own property, which was returned to its original owner if the couple later separated.

Token items of value were exchanged as a pledge of faith in a way similar to today's wedding ring.

The origins of the simple, round wedding ring are sketchy, but is believed by many to represent the eternity of the union, similar to the Pagan view of the ring as a circle symbolizing, the never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth for the human couple and for the deities in whose image they were wed.

Handfasting were once community events in which the entire clan or village participated.

Tokens from the bride were given to unmarried girls as talismans of love in the same way portions of the wedding cake are taken home today and placed under the pillow to induce prophetic dreams of one's future mate.

The earliest wedding cakes were made of grains, symbolic of fertility and abundance.

Bread was used in some cultures to bless the couple's home by breaking the loaf against the threshold or by burying it near or burning it in the hearth.

A wedding drink popular among the Britons and Celts was mead.

Mead is a rich honey-ale combining masculine and feminine elements, and it further underscored the handfasting as a symbolic union of the deities.

Our modern term "honeymoon" is believed to derive from a combination of these concepts.

The "honey" refers to the principal ingredient of the mead and the "moon" to the approximate period of time that would elapse between Beltane and the time a handfasting could take place.

litha green


"A noise like of a hidden brook In the leafy month of June, That to the sleeping woods all night Singeth a quiet tume." .....Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Midsummer or the summer solstice is on or around June 21, the longest day of the year and the shortest night.

Decorating ideas are seashells and starfish arranged across your altar or mantle.

You could really be subtle and go Americana - use architectural stars and folk art in country colors of blues and reds.

Midsummer is celebrated at my house by barbequing, going to the pool, camping, or the occasional fishing trip.

Some other ideas for celebrating the solstice are midsummer garden parties, going on a picnic, or taking a trip to the lake or beach.

To create an inexpensive midsummer garden party, keep the menu fresh and light.

Decorate a picnic table if you have one, or drag your kitchen table out to the garden.

Use a tablecloth in any pretty pastel shade and either use floral theme paper plates or your good dishes.

I like to mix and match glassware and plates for a more informal look.

You might try picking up some plastic tumblers in bright shades of hot summer colors.

How about creating individual tussie-mussies for your guests or, better yet, have everyone make their own while they are at the party?

Put a pretty book on the table explaining the symbolism of the flowers, set out some supplies and flowers, and turn them loose.

If you are having your magickal friends over, try a solstice/celestial theme: gold suns with blue and gold plates and napkins.

Sprinkle some glittery stars and moon confetti on the tablecloth.

If children are invited, you could make it a faery party.

Let the little ones dress up as faeries - the adults, too, if they wish.

Embellish place cards with glitter pens and floral, faery, or celestial stickers, depending on your theme.

Snip some blooming roses off your bushes and use garden flowers and blooming fragrant herbs for a centerpiece.

For faery lights you can use old glass canning jars with a tealight inside and set them in a row down the center of the table or place them throughout the garden.

After the sun goes down, light up some sparklers for the kids and the adults.

Have an enchanted midsummer's night!

.....from 'Garden Witchery: Magick from the Ground Up'

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The Summer Solstice, also called Litha, marks the longest day and shortest night.

The Sun is at the height of its power and is now beginning to decline.

In common with the other Solstice and the Equinoxes the date of this festival will vary from year to year, taking place between the 20 and the 23rd of the month.

Also in common with the other Sabbats it would have been traditional for celebrations to have taken place over several days.

If you have a group of people it can be great fun to enact the battle of the Oak and Holly Kings.

At this time Lord Oak, who presides over the waxing year, gives way to Lord Holly, who will rule until the Winter Solstice.

Select two combatants to wrestle or fight with staves until the one playing the Oak King gives way to the other.

It is a good idea for them to practice in advance so that they do not harm one another.

oak king

holly king

Litha Activities

Put a ring of flowers around your cauldron or around a bowl of mugwort.

Hang a bundle of fresh herbs out to dry. Use them to cook summer veggies.

Light a white candle and place it in front of a mirror. Say a prayer over, and let it burn out.

Go bird watching. Take a guide book, so you will knowwhat you are looking at.

The birds may bless you with a feather.

**Things to make with *found* bird feathers**:


Witch's Ladders

1. Use feathers in colors that correspond with your need

2. Braid a yard each of white, black, and red cord(for Goddess)

3. Chant while braiding:"Maiden, Mother, Ancient Crone,

Your powers to these cords please loan"

4. Add feathers to chain as it grows.

preggo goddess

Make a quill pen to use in your Book of Shadows

1. Remove the barbs from the quill until it is comfortable to hold

2. Scoop out the back of the quill and remove the core

3. Cut a tiny notch on the front of the quill

4. Cut a slit on the front of the quill from the notchdown

5. Cut the tip of the quill to form a point


Endurance ritual

1. Write your birth-sign on a small stone in permanent pen

2. In a large flower pot, place the stone at the bottom.

3. Plant a marigold on top, placing seven stone around the plant.

As you work, chant:

"Sing me the song of seasons

Show me the sun's delight

Open my heart for you radiance

Lead me towards the light"

The marigold is the flower of endurance that always turns its face toward the sun, following its path through the sky.

This ritual will give you endurance.

My Tat

Midsummer Manifestation Ritual

Make a list of everything you wish to manifest during the next six months.

Be complete -- include things related to career,personal issues, and other factors like clarity,confidence, and fun.

After sunset, light a candle ofyour choice.

Place a vase of flowers you like next tothe candle.

Say aloud:

"I gather in the power of this day of greatest light and call in the guardians of fire, earth, air, and water to bring the last grace of power in light to manifest my desires in the coming harvest. I ask that this be done within the greater good."

{Read aloud your list}

"I affirm that I am able and willing to allow these wishes to manifest and I participate in the miracle of creation and with faith. So mote it be."

Allow the candle to burn until you go to sleep.

Celebrate the energy of the evening in some way --play music, raise a glass, allow yourself some indulgence.


Blessed Litha/ Midsummer/ Summer Solstice! Summer is HERE!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Herbal Protection Blend

Ingredients and Items Needed

Bowl for mixing items (I have this wooden one I bought specifically because its earthy)

Sea Salt (I used to use just table salt, but I tried sea salt and I love it so much more!)

Basil (Fresh is best for each herb, but dried herbs from your baking cabinet work well also)

Rosemary Leaves



Crystal Quartz


Process and Tips

You can add the herbs in any order, but I like to add the sea salt first, to purify the bowl in a way before we actually start "cookin."

I also like to mix as I go, and some people like to mix widdershins or deosil throughout depending on the purpose, but I like to wait til the end.

Add the sea salt and herbs, mixing as you add each item.

Then add the crystal quartz, to ground the energies and help sharpen the focus of the intent.

Take the athame, insert it into the mixture, and mix it together counter clockwise.

Someone asked why counter clockwise? Because im using it for banishing the bad stuff, and thats what my focus is, counter clockwise is for banishment.

My Focus/ Intent



Remove Negativity


Ask the God and Goddess for their blessing, and say words of power

"Youth, Father, Sage....

Maiden, Mother, Crone....

Let it harm none,

By the power of three,

By the Lord and Lady,

So Mote It Be!"

And now you have a protection mixture.

You may now be asking,

"What do I do with this mixture once it is complete?"

I usually go outside on the full moon (to figure out the exact date and time of the full moon, consult your llewellyn magical almanac, or simply visit

This month happens to fall on Sunday June 7, 2009 at 2:12 pm.

I channel some of the full moon energy into the mixture, with the help of the crystal quartz we added earlier.

I then walk the perimeter of my land, sprinkling the mixture as well has visualizing a wall of protection, and all images that pertain to my intent, such as a lock, happy things, etc.

I also do the same for the perimeter of my garden to protect it from the elements and bugs and other harmful things.

Thats it! This mixture can be made fore every full moon, or whenever needed. Sometime I keep a jar full just in case of emergencies, plus having some in the house will strengthen the protection as well. Sometimes I also follow the same process with a smudge stick after I am done sprinkling the mixture so kind of strengthen the spell. Change the herbs as needed per intent. There's no telling how many adaptaqtions are possible!

Blessed Be!

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