Here's the spread: Use this spread to illuminate issues, situations, or energies present in the upcoming lunar cycle. Perform this spread on the New Moon. Each card represents a week in the lunar cycle, from one aspect of the moon to the next.
1: New Moon- Beginnings
2: Second Quarter- Progress
3: Full Moon - Manifestations
4: Fourth Quarter- Reflection
5: New Moon- Completion; New Beginnings
For my reading, the cards I drew were:
1: 3 of Chalices
Cherish you friends...and be careful of neglecting them, especially when life gets busy or difficult. Take time out to celebrate life's small wonders and support each other through trying times.
2: Novice of Wands
This Novice can be someone of great focus and enthusiasm. He is ready to take on any endeavor and give one hundred percent. He runs the risk of recklessness if he doesn't temper his excitement with a balanced approach.
3: The Moon
Facing the monsters within is a difficult experience, but it is one you must do. Keep in mind that moonlight has a way of exaggerating or altering things. The monsters you see may not reflect reality. Look closely and don't be afraid. The Goddess and God live in you along with those monsters you think are there. Draw on the Divine power to deal with the shadows. Once you face them, they will no longer have power over you.
4: Elder of Wands
This Elder can be someone of great will, determination and drive. He has an amazing talent for knowing the right thing to do in many situations and can lead with great charm and charisma. If he is not careful, he can be bossy or intolerant of others' ideas/
5: Novice of Swords
This Novice can be someone with a goal in sight and who pursues it single-mindedly. He can accomplish much very quickly and extremely well. However, he can be so focused that he misses changing developments, thereby going full steam ahead without considering a change of plans.
1: 3 of Chalices
Cherish you friends...and be careful of neglecting them, especially when life gets busy or difficult. Take time out to celebrate life's small wonders and support each other through trying times.
2: Novice of Wands
This Novice can be someone of great focus and enthusiasm. He is ready to take on any endeavor and give one hundred percent. He runs the risk of recklessness if he doesn't temper his excitement with a balanced approach.
3: The Moon
Facing the monsters within is a difficult experience, but it is one you must do. Keep in mind that moonlight has a way of exaggerating or altering things. The monsters you see may not reflect reality. Look closely and don't be afraid. The Goddess and God live in you along with those monsters you think are there. Draw on the Divine power to deal with the shadows. Once you face them, they will no longer have power over you.
4: Elder of Wands
This Elder can be someone of great will, determination and drive. He has an amazing talent for knowing the right thing to do in many situations and can lead with great charm and charisma. If he is not careful, he can be bossy or intolerant of others' ideas/
5: Novice of Swords
This Novice can be someone with a goal in sight and who pursues it single-mindedly. He can accomplish much very quickly and extremely well. However, he can be so focused that he misses changing developments, thereby going full steam ahead without considering a change of plans.