Simply Me...

My photo
Flint, Michigan, United States
Here's my names Jenn, been practicing Paganism for 11 years now. I love being outdoors. I live with my boyfriend of over five years. He has a daughter who is 6 years old, and I love her as if she were my own. I have four cats, two are outdoors, and two are indoors. One indoor one, Willow, is my familiar and on my facebook you'll notice a ton of pics of her! My videos, followers, and contact info are at the very bottom of the page! This blog is for witchie stuff, daily life events, venting, journaling, and answering any questions. Ways you can contact me is through this blog, or my yahoo e-mail:, or

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The War Will End By My 23rd B-Day!!!

Obama Pictures, Images and Photos

That's right, Obama himself said this war will be over! My b-day is Aug 31st, and that is his deadline, Aug 31st 2010, so when I turn 23 there will finally be an end to this madness, so thankfully my brother won't have to be there very long!!!!!!!! YAY OBAMA!

Here's the link to the video

Here's the article below for the Associated Press..

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. – President Barack Obama consigned the Iraq war to history Friday, declaring he will end combat operations within 18 months and open a new era of diplomacy in the Middle East.

"Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end," Obama told Marines who are about to deploy by the thousands to the other war front, Afghanistan.

Even so, Obama will leave the bulk of troops in place this year, contrary to hopes of Democratic leaders for a speedier pullout. And after combat forces withdraw, 35,000 to 50,000 will stay behind for an additional year and half of support and counterterrorism duties.

Just six weeks into office, Obama used blunt terms and a cast-in-stone promise to write the last chapter of a war that began six years ago. It has cost more in lives, money and national stamina than ever envisioned.

Like Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon before him, Obama came into office with an inherited war he pledged to end without delay. Eisenhower did, in Korea. Nixon didn't, in Vietnam. Obama says he will.

"Iraq's future is now its own responsibility," Obama said.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, flanked Obama during the announcement. It was a symbolic statement that top military advisers are on board with a strategy some had openly questioned before Obama's inauguration.

More than five years have passed since Bush declared the end of major combat operations in Iraq, a statement that proved false as sectarian violence brought Iraq to the brink of disaster.

Obama did not claim a mission accomplished. Instead, he suggested America accomplished the mission as best it could.

"What we will not do is let the pursuit of the perfect stand in the way of achievable goals," he said. "We cannot rid Iraq of all who oppose America or sympathize with our adversaries. We cannot police Iraq's streets until they are completely safe, nor stay until Iraq's union is perfected."

He said: "America's men and women in uniform have fought block by block, province by province, year after year, to give the Iraqis this chance to choose a better future. Now, we must ask the Iraqi people to seize it."

Obama's promise to pull home the last of the U.S. troops by the end of 2011 is in accord with a deal that Iraqis signed with former President George W. Bush.

Meantime, Obama is accelerating the end of the war by withdrawing roughly 100,000 troops by the summer of 2010.

Obama was moving to fulfill in large measure the defining promise of his campaign — to end combat operations within 16 months of taking office. He's doing it in 19 months instead, and the drawdown will be backloaded to provide security for Iraqi elections late this year.

More than 4,250 Americans have been killed in Iraq, a costly, unpopular enterprise at home that Obama criticized when support for the invasion was strong and few other politicians dared stand against it.

He applauded the armed forces for its successes in Iraq, where U.S. deaths and violence in many parts of the country are significantly down.

He never credited Bush's buildup of troops in 2007 as contributing to those improvements.

In another break from Bush, Obama promised "comprehensive American engagement" with nations across the Middle East, noting Iran and Syria in particular. The U.S. has long had a diplomatic frost with both countries over their support for militant groups, among other matters. But they hold great sway in the region, and Obama sees a diplomatic opportunity.

Obama called Bush shortly before he gave his speech to brief him on his plans. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called the chat brief and straightforward.

In his speech, Obama said to the military members: "We will leave the Iraqi people with a hard-earned opportunity to live a better life. That is your achievement. That is the prospect that you have made possible."

As Obama spoke, the camouflage-clad Marines seemed to be taking a measure of the man. They politely applauded their new commander in chief at times, and grew more boisterous when he promised to raise their pay and provide more help for their families.

The president also told the Iraqi people they will not be forgotten.

"Our nations have known difficult times together," he said. "But ours is a bond forged by shared bloodshed, and countless friendships among our people.

Yet he acknowledged violence will remain "a part of life" and daunting problems include political instability, displaced citizens and the stress of declining oil revenues.

Obama said U.S. must end the war, both for the future of Iraq and to allow the U.S. to refocus its attention more firmly on Afghanistan.

Reaction came from everywhere.

In Iraq, where several TV stations showed Obama's speech live, some citizens applauded the ironclad withdrawal plan while others questioned whether Iraq could defend itself alone.

On Capitol Hill, Democratic leaders remained cool to the suggestion that tens of thousands of troops would remain.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said his announcement was good news because it meant an end to the war, but she cautioned that the troops left behind must have a "clearly defined" mission. Obama succeeded in winning over most Republicans, who initially dismissed the timeline as arbitrary.

Sen. John McCain, who lost the presidency to Obama, said he supported the plan.

"Let us have no crisis of confidence now," he told his colleagues on the Senate floor Friday. "Instead, let us welcome home our fighting men and women — not just thanking them for serving in Iraq, but congratulating them on bringing us to victory there."

The president who voted against the war as senator and ran against in his upstart White House bid said the Iraq conflict is one huge, painful lesson.

Admonishing the Bush era, Obama said the United States must no longer go to war without clearly defined goals. He said it must communicate the costs of war clearly, use diplomacy as well as military might, not go it alone in security.

Said Obama to the men and women in uniform before him: "I promise you that I will only send you into harm's way when it is absolutely necessary."


Associated Press writers Anne Flaherty, Anne Gearan, Jennifer Loven and Cal Woodward contributed to this report.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Witch (Poem)

sad witch Pictures, Images and Photos


By Morgan Stardancer

She sees faeries

And talks to her herb garden.

And everyone laughs.

She feels colors,

And says there is magic in the Moon.

And everyone laughs.

She never hurts anyone

And loves her oak tree like a child.

And everyone laughs.

She always helps a stranger

And yet neighborhood strays adore her

And everyone laughs.

She sits and cries

And mumbles to the shadows,

And no one cares.

Once her hair was long and bright,

Now it is a matted mess
And no one cares.

She used to dance among the trees,

Now she can't find them

And no one cares.

Dreams of magick fill her days;

Magick she can almost touch.

And no one cares.

The day she died her herbs did too.

And her oak tree bowed its limbs.

A single candle burned in her window

With naught there but the cats.

And no one understands. ..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Glossary of Magickal Terms - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more - Wiccan pictures, magickal images, witchy layouts, and more
I am making a series of Glossary of Magickal Terms Vlog on YouTube, so its going to be quite a few since I have 20 pages of terms to define, and they take forever to upload, but they will get there! Anywho, below is the Glossary itself, which it a combination of all the glossaries of all the books I own. Enjoy....

Glossary of Magical Terms

Afterlife- an all-inclusive term for any existence that comes after the end of a physical life.

Air- element representing East; Sunrise; yellow/red; childhood; intellect; thought; mind; tarot suit of swords; victory; power; conflict; conscious mind.

Akasha- sometimes known as the fifth element, Akasha is actually the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is the energy in which the elements formed.

Altar- from the Latin altare meaning a “high place.” An altar is a centerpiece for ritual on which needed items can be arranged. It also functions as a center where Deity is honored and as a resting place for the essence of the macrocosm to exist in the microcosm.

Altered State of Consciousness- a deliberate attempt to slow the cycles per second of one’s brain waves to generate a consciously aware and controlled sleeping state. One is said to be in a meditative or altered stated of consciousness when the brain waves are deliberately taken to any level that is below what is called beta, or normal waking consciousness.

Amulet- a natural object, magically charged, that may be worn for protection, such as a rabbit’s foot, and is a variety of charm. It can be used to deflect negative energies.

Anaphrodisiac- a substance, such as camphor, that reduces sexual desires.

Ancestors- for Pagans, ancestors have always been defined as all relatives and/or tribal members who have passed over. For non-Pagans, this term is used exclusively to denote direct-line descendents.

Aphrodisiac- a substance that produces sexual excitement.

Asperger- a bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding ritual, for purificatory purposes.

Astral Plane- an energy level of existence that lies outside the physical and mental planes of reality; energy that is felt.

Astral Projection- moving the spirit energy from the physical body through space and/or time to other locations while the body remains either asleep or in a trance; while the travel may be on the astral plane, it may also be manifested on the physical plane so that other people may interact with an astral projection believing it to be a physical presence, thus someone being in two places at the same time.

Athame (a-tham’may)- symbol of elemental air; ritual double-edged knife of witchcraft, representative of the energy of the God and used to direct energy in magical work; not a cutting tool, with generally a black-handled knife (mine is wood), but a knife or knife-like object used to conduct energy for magic work.

Aura- energy field of multiple layers surrounding all things that may be seen visually or sensed psychically to be understood or manipulated in magic. Gaps or holes can lead to illness and can be healed through use of crystals, or other energy moving magic’s as with the passing of the palms of a healer above the affected area.

Balefire- a fire lit for magical purposes, usually outdoors. Balefires are traditional on Yule,
Beltane, and Midsummer.

Bane-that which destroys life, which is poisonous, destructive, evil, dangerous.

Banishing Magic- type of magic that casts away something present and undesired. Removes evil, threats, darkness, negativity, or people embodying those qualities.

B.C.E- before common era, the non-religious equivalent to B.C.

Beltane- a Wiccan festival celebrated April 30th or May 1st (traditions vary). Beltane is known as May Eve, Roodmas, Walpurgis Night, Cethsamhain. Beltane celebrates the symbolic union, mating, or marriage of the Goddess and God, and links in with the approaching summer months.

Benediction- closing of a ritual wherein blessings are given and received and the peace of the Lady and Lord are acknowledged.

Bereavement-the period of active mourning.

Besom (bes’sum) - broom used to sweep the Circle clear of negative and chaotic energies prior to casting.

Blessing- the act of conferring positive energy upon a person, place, or thing. It’s a spiritual or religious practice.

Blue Moon- second full moon in a solar month; adding extra energy. There is some controversy regarding this definition, some believe the moon itself is actually blue, and is extremely rare, and the notion of it being the first stated definition, was due to a misprint in a farmers almanac many years ago.

Bolline (bo-leen’) - practical knife used to cut with and inscribe objects; generally white- or brown-handled knife, but some witches utilize only one knife for the work of both Athame and
Bolline. Also popularly used to harvest herbs.

BoS-Book of Shadows- the book(s) in which correlations are written down and referenced in the creation of spells and other magic’s, and in which the characteristics of a Witch’s practice are given. This book will contain a code of ethics, personal philosophy, spiritual insights, meditations, lunar and seasonal rituals, descriptions of tools, alphabets, recipes, rites of passage rituals, special days of observance, deity associations, and other details deemed necessary by the individual for the practice of the Craft. No one “true” BoS exists; all are relevant to their respective users. They may be hand written, typed, photocopied, etc.

Bouquet- in perfumery, a blend of natural or synthetic scents with reproduces a specific odor, such as rose or jasmine. Also known as a compound or a blend.

Brew- see infusion.

Broom Closet- figurative way of describing whether a Witch prefers to keep Craft practice a secret or is more public about Craft activities, and is therefore, presumably with besom in hand, either in or out of the broom closet.

Burning Times-historical period in Europe when Christians persecuted and tortured witches and alleged witches; thousands were put to death, usually by hanging, drowning, or burning at the stake. The Pagan equivalent of the Holocaust of WWII.

Cakes and Ale- simple ritual meal or feast shared with the Goddess and God, usually within the
Circle, near the completion of a religious ritual. Such ritual meals predate Christianity.

Cardinal Points- the four directions: North, East, South, and West.

Casting the Circle- beginning of a ritual to create the Circle for magical and spiritual work to be conducted inside. The one who casts the Circle draws up energy from the Earth and balances this within prior to releasing the energy to create a spherical field; this is done so as to avoid depleting internal energies.

Cauldron- tool used to contain spell crafting materials, potions, brews, and represents the fruitful and regenerative power of the Goddess.

C.E.- common era, the non-religious equivalent to A.D.

Censer- a heat-proof container in which incense is smoldered. An incense burner. It symbolizes the element of Air.

Chakras- energy centers in the body, usually stated as root/base (genital/anal area), sacral plexus (lower abdomen), solar plexus (navel), heart, throat, third eye, and crown. The palm of the hands and soles of the feet are also chakras.

Chalice- see cup.

Chaplet- a garland or a wreath of flowers or leaves worn on the head, as in the chaplets given to classical Greek hero’s as symbols of honor.

Charge- directing energy into an object for a purpose; to infuse an object with personal power.

Charged- energized; imbued with Divine power as with blessed water.

Charms- objects made and infused with magical energy and carried or placed to achieve a goal (such as protection, money draw, draw love and friendship.)

Circle- a ritual area created to contain raised energy that may be directed in spell work. The energy is raised through the Earth and blended within the Witch, then directed to form the boundaries of the circle. When the Circle is opened, the energy is returned into the Witch so that the borrowed energy may be redirected into the Earth for dissipation by touching the ground with the palms of the hands. This energy field does not act like a static cling, holding negative energies in place, but is always pure and clean, simply repelling negative or chaotic energies from entering the sacred space. A group, less formal than a coven, of witches that practice, worship, celebrate, or study together.

Clairvoyance- psychic ability to know things beyond your immediate knowledge (also called ESP or second sight.)

Clockwise- Deosil.

Cleansing- relieving an object of chaotic and mixed energies, often absorbed while in store or surrounded and touched by other people. Sea salt or spring water are good for immersing andobject to clear out the extraneous energies; then toss out the water or salt into which the energies have been absorbed.

Combustible Incense- self-burning incense containing potassium nitrate; usually in a cone, block, or stick form.

Conscious Mind- the analytical, material-based, rational half of our consciousness. The mind at work when we compute our taxes, theorizes, or struggle with ideas.

Consecration- a ceremony that dedicates a thing or place for sacred use.

Cone of Power- energy raised and concentrated within a Circle for magical use, and released when it’s at its height or peak for effective magic to take place.

Corn Dolly- a figure, often human-shaped, created by plaiting dried wheat or other grains. It represents the fertility of the Earth and the Goddess in early European agricultural rituals and is still used it Wicca. Corn dollies aren’t made from cobs or husks; corn originally referred to any grain other that maize and still does in most English-speaking countries except the United States.

Correspondences- correlations of magical energy to items of nature, colors, hours of the day, days of the week, symbols, lunar and solar phases, and other such meanings to be used in creating or interpreting magical work.

Counter Clockwise- Widdershins.

Coven- assembly of Wiccan/Witchcraft practitioners, generally adhering to the standardized procedures of a particular Tradition or to those agreed upon by the membership, usually twelve in number, with one High Priest or High Priestess to make a total of thirteen members, although there may be two leaders, male and female.

Coven Name- name bestowed on an initiate to a coven for “inner court” use.

Craft- Witchcraft; the Old Religion of Pagan Europe; Wicca; folk magic.

Craft Name- a magic/spiritual name chosen by a Witch for working in the Craft, and may be used openly, in Pagan community settings, and in “outer court” Circles. This name may also be used as a Coven Name, although many covens prefer to rename someone entering their circle.

Cremation- the burning of a dead body.

Croning- ceremony held to mark a woman’s transition from mother to crone, the final phase of a woman’s life.

Cross-Quarters- Sabbats of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh, also known as the White or Greater Sabbats. Community bonfires were traditionally built on hilltops.

Cup- symbol of elemental water; used in ritual to contain the beverage and to symbolize the receptive and fertile womb of the Goddess. Ceremonial Goblet.

Curse- contains malevolence to the sphere of the generator of the negative energy. Psychic attack.

Dark Moon- representative of the Goddess as the One Who Transforms in her aspect of Tomb and Womb, thus a time more suited for meditation or divination than for magical work or spells.

Days of Power- Sabbats

Decoction- extracting the flavor by boiling (applied to herbs and the such.)

Dedicant- a new witch in the period of study and apprenticeship before initiation (traditionally a year and a day).

Deosil (jessil) - Clockwise movement; the course of the Sun through the sky. Symbolic of life, positive energies, good. It is much use in spells and rituals, i.e. “walk Deosil around the circle of stones.” Witches in the southern hemisphere sometime switch from Deosil to Widdershin movements in their rituals, for the Sun “moves” in an apparent counter-clockwise motion from this vantage point.

Discarnate- any spirit or soul without a physical body.

Divination- the magical art of discovering the unknown by interpreting random patterns or symbols through the use of tools such as clouds, tarot cards, flames, smoke. Divination contacts the psychic mind by tricking or drowsing the conscious mind through ritual and observation or of manipulation of tools. Divination isn’t necessary for those who can easily attain communication with the psychic mind, though they may practice it.

Divine Power- the unmanifested, pure energy that exists within the Goddess and God. The life force, the ultimate source of all things. Compare with Earth Power and Personal Power.

Drawing Down the Moon (DDM)-ritual of drawing the energy of the Moon into water to be blessed; also a ritual of drawing the Goddess within the Practitioner for communion and prophecy.

Dressing/anointing- putting an appropriate oil on spell items such as candles as part of a ritual consecration to prepare an object to attract and direct the energy of a spell to accomplish a goal.

Earth- elemental representing North; Midnight; green/black; old age; strength; stability; wisdom; tarot suit of pentacles; business; money.

Earth Power- the energy which exists within stones, herbs, flames, wind, and other natural objects. It is manifested Divine Power and can be utilized during magic to create needed change. Compare with Personal Power.

Eclectic- a witch who works with deities from or worships within more than one culture or mythological system.

Elements- Earth, Air, Fire, Water. These four essences are the building blocks of the universe. Everything that exists (or that has the potential to exist) contains one or more of these energies. The elements hum within ourselves and are also “at large” in the world. They can be utilized to cause change through magic.

Elder- witch who has attained a position of respect in the craft; coven member who has attained an advanced degree of initiation.

Empowering- the act of moving energy into an object, plant, stone, herb, etc. In herb magic, empowering aligns the energies within herbs with magical goals.

Enchant- “sing to”, magically speaking, a procedure whereby herbs are aligned with your magical need prior to their use.

Energy- a term for the currently immeasurable (but real) power that exists within all natural objects and beings--- including our own bodies. It is used in Folk Magic.

Enfleurage- a French perfumery term describing the process of extracting essential oils with purified fat. Also known as pommade.

Esbat- Lunar celebrations of Witches during the Full and New Moons; often used in conjunction with spell work. Incorrect designation by some witches for the Lesser Sabbats.

Euthanasia- the act of painlessly bringing about death for one who is terminally ill, most often used in reference to sick pets who are under veterinary care. The word comes from the Greek eu meaning “well” and thanatos meaning “death.”

Evil Eye, The- supposed glance capable of causing great harm or fear, once almost universally feared.

Evocation- calling up spirits, elementals, or other non-physical entities, either to visible appearance or invisible attendance. Compare with Invocation.

Exorcism- aiding spirits in death passage that may be lost, confused, or unaware of their transition from physical to spirit form; dispersing negative energies to allow positive energies to enter.

Faery- alternative spelling for fairy, to distinguish it as a belief system.

Familiar- Witch’s animal or spirit helper in magical work. Usually a cat, with whom witches
establish a special psychic/magical relationship; familiars offer help, companionship, protection, and usually unconditional love as well.

Family Traditions- a Pagan tradition passed down in a single family and shared with no one else.

Fascination- the art of placing other people under one’s power through sounds, gazes, colors, etc.

Fire- elemental representing South; Noon; red/white; youth; energy; drive; passion; tarot suit of wands; ambition; career; creativity.

Fivefold Bond- ritual ties that links wrists, neck, and ankles.

Fivefold Kiss- ritual greeting of eight kisses between witches of opposite genders in classical Wicca, on the feet, knees, pelvis, breasts, and lips.

Flying Ointment- paste, usually containing herbs, that is applied to the skin to aid in astral projection.

Folk Magic- a culture’s traditional magical practices. The practice of magic utilizing personal power in conjunction with natural tools, in a non-religious framework, to cause positive change.

Full Moon- lunar phase symbolizing the Goddess in her aspect of Mother, Lady of Abundance and Compassion, time for magical/spell workings involving completion, protection, containment, fruition, honoring energies and spirits, and Drawing Down the Moon.

God- the God is the male principle; the perfect complement to the Goddess. He is often identified with the Sun; with deserts and forests, and wild animals. Some see Him as Lord of Death and Resurrection. In the eight Sabbats the Wiccans celebrate His birth, maturity, union with the Goddess and His death. The God is not to be confused with common Christian conception of ‘God’.

Goddess- She is seen as the creatress of the universe; the unfaltering, ultimate sources of fertility, wisdom, love, compassion, healing, and power. Often associated with the Moon, the seas and the Earth in Wiccan thought, the Goddess has been worshipped in many religions across the globe and throughout time.

Grave Rubbing- the art of rubbing a charcoal stick over paper that has been places over a gravestone in order to reproduce the carving. This became a craze that peaked in the mid-1970s when hobbyists began seeking out old stones with interesting carvings or epitaphs. Unfortunately, the rubbing speeded up the deterioration of the already weathered stones, and the practice is now banned in many cemeteries.

Greater Sabbats- those of the harvests in the mythic cycles of the Goddess and the God: Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh; also called the White Sabbats and the Cross Quarters on the Wheel of the Year.

Green Sabbats- the Quarters or Lesser Sabbats of Winter and Summer Solstices and Spring and Fall Equinox, hence Yule and Litha, Ostara and Mabon.

Grimoire- a magical workbook containing ritual information, formulae, magical properties of natural objects and preparation of ritual equipment.

Ground and Center- releasing internal static energies into the ground through the feet or hands, finding the calm center within, drawing up strong Earth energies through the feet, pulling it up to entwine with the internal energies in balance as preparation for spell work. This is done to avoid depleting personal energy in Circle casting and spell work.

Grounding- touching the Earth/floor with palms of hand after magical work to drain off excess energy (avoid getting irritable, headachy, nervous, etc); releasing excess energy into the Earth upon completion of energy raising for Circle casting, ritual, meditation, spell work, and other magical workings.

Handfasting- a Wiccan, Pagan, or Gypsy wedding.

Herb- virtually any plant used in magic. Herbs are usually strongly scented and are prized for their specific energies. Includes trees, ferns, grasses, seaweeds, vegetables, fruits, and flowering plants.

Herbalism- the practice of cultivating, gathering, and using plants for medicinal, cosmetic, ritual, and culinary purposes. See Herb Magic.

Herb Magic- the practice of directing energies found within plant to create needed change. A branch of magic. Practitioners utilize personal power as well as other forms of energy, such as colors, candles, stones, sounds, gestures, and movements.

Hex- (noun) a spell, usually negative; the evil eye; a curse; (verb) to cast such a spell.

High Priest/ess- witch who had attained a tradition’s highest degree of initiation and leads a coven.

Holey Stone- stone or rock with a hole worn in it through the action of river or sea water, and a symbol of the regenerative power of the Goddess; Fairies may be seen by looking through the hole at Midsummer when standing beneath an elderflower tree (elderflowers dried make a flavorful additive to black tea).

Hospice- a care and support home for the terminally ill.

Imbolc- a Wiccan festival celebrated on February 2nd, also known as Candlemas, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light, Oimelc, Brigit’s Day and many other names. Imbolc celebrates the first stirrings of Spring and the recovery of the Goddess from giving birth to the Sun (the God) at Yule.

Infusion- a liquid produced by soaking herbs in very hot ( but not boiling) water. A brew or potion. An herbal tea.

Initiation- a process whereby an individual is introduced or admitted into a group, interest, skill or religion. Initiations may be ritual occasions but can also occur spontaneously.

Intent- in magic, the goal of a working.

Invocation- an appeal or petition to a higher power(s), such as the Goddess and God. A prayer. Invocation is actually a method of establishing conscious ties with those aspects of the Goddess and God that dwell within us. In essence, then, we seemingly cause them to appear or make themselves known by becoming aware of them. Also, it is called IN-vocation as opposed to E-vocation because the Goddess and God are already within ourselves, not some outside source.

Karma-that which accrues and is carried over from one lifetime to the next, can be positive or negative, according to the lives you have lived. (Three-Fold Law in action.)

Kitchen Witch- witch who uses mainly practical magic centering on the home, hearth, and family.
Lady and Lord- the Goddess and the God of the Old Religion, hence, of Witchcraft; deities of Nature and the Universe thru which whom The Power emanates.

Law of Three- a Wiccan belief that our actions, both positive and negative will return to us three-fold (three times good or three times bad.) See Karma.

Lesser Sabbats- those of the Solstices and Equinoxes: Yule and Ostara; Litha and Mabon; also called the Green Sabbats and the Quarters on the Wheel of the Year.

Libation- an offering to the Goddess and the God, usually the first draught of the ritual beverage and the first portion of ritual food unless the rite designates otherwise; the offering is poured onto the ground or into a libation bowl to be later emptied onto the ground, or disposed of with the visualization of it returning to the Earth.

List of Correspondences- tables of showing a correlation between items and their magical function as used in the practice of the Craft, such as between colors, herbs, days of the week,
hours of the day, and a magical intent; and example could be using a green candle and mint leaves on a Thursday at the third hour after sunset for a candle-burning money spell.

Lord and Lady- direct translation of many ancient names for the God and Goddess of Power in the Old Religion, being of Nature and the Universe.

Lughnasadh- a Wiccan festival celebrated on August 1st, also known as August Eve, Lammas, Feast of Bread. Lughnasadh marks the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for the dark winter months, and when the God also mysteriously weakens as the days grow shorter.

Lunar Eclipse- emblem of the goddess in her dark aspect as crone, She Who is the Tomb and the Womb, hence, She Who Transforms.

Mabon- on or around September 21st, the autumn equinox, Wiccans celebrate the second harvest. Nature is preparing for winter. Mabon is a vestige of ancient harvest festivals which, in some for or another, were once nearly universal among peoples of the Earth.

Magic-creating changes by raising, focusing, directing, releasing and sending energy. The movement of natural energies to create needed change. Energy exists within all things- ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds, movements. Magic is the process of rousing or building up this energy, giving it purpose, and releasing it. Magic is a natural, not supernatural, practice, though it is little understood.

Magical Voice- that which is used in pronouncing words during a spell. This is a strong, sure voice, free of doubt and insecurity. In some cases, the magical voice may also be a forced, powerful whisper.

Magic Circle- a sphere containing Personal Power in which Wiccan rituals are usually enacted.
The term refers to the circle that marks the sphere’s penetration of the ground, for it extends both above and below it. It is created through visualization and magic.

Magician- a person of either sex who practices magic. Also called a Magus.

Magic Knife- see Athame.

Magus- see magician.

Maiden- stage of a woman’s life between menarche and motherhood or mentoring; assistant high priestess in a traditional coven.

Mantra- chant used for energy raising, which may be individualized and secret.

Medicine Bag- Native American shaman’s pouch, usually containing herbs, stones, feathers, and so on.

Meditation- quiet relaxation in which the mind chatter is silenced so as to open and altered state of awareness wherein the conscious mind is subdued, allowing the subconscious functions of the mind to dominate; state of relaxation and accessibility. Reflection, contemplation, turning inward toward the self or outward toward Deity or nature. A quiet time in which the practitioner may dwell upon particular thoughts or symbols, or allow them to come unbidden.

Medium- person who is able to channel spirits and other entities.

Midsummer- the summer solstice, usually on or near June 21st, one of the Wiccan festivals and an excellent night for magic. Midsummer marks the point of the year when the Sun is symbolically at the height of its powers, and so too the God. The longest day of the year.

Moons- there are twelve full moons in a year, beginning with the December Moon at Yule: Oak (December), Wolf (January), Storm (February), Hare (March), Seed (April), Dryad (May), Mead (June), Herb (July), Barley (August), Harvest (September), Hunter’s (October), Snow (November), and occasionally a calendar year with have a thirteenth moon, which is called the Blue Moon; the term Blood is used when the Moon is red/russet colored in any month, adding energy, power, and/or aggression to whatever the normal name for the Moon-most common from August to October, while the Sidhe (shee) Moon is in the second Dark Moon in the solar month.

Moon Phases- waxing for beginnings and developing magic’s (Maiden); Full for completions, honoring energies and spirits, and for DDM (Mother); Wan-ning for banishing, purging, and exorcisms (Crone); Dark/New for meditations and divinations (hidden face of the Goddess/ Goddess of Mysteries); although the New Moon may be celebrated as the last sliver of light of the Waning Moon, while the Dark Moon has no light.

Natural Magic- the practice of using personal power in conjunction with earth power to cause needed change. Magic is a positive, loving, transformative process.
Need, The- the purpose of a spell or ritual; a vacuum or unhappy condition in the magician’s life. The need may be love, health, happiness, peace, banishment of harmful habits or thoughts, or one of many other changes.

Neo-Pagan- literally, new-Pagan. A member, follower, or sympathizer of one of the newly formed Pagan religions now spreading throughout the world. All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan.

New Moon- lunar phase symbolizing the Goddess in her aspect of Crone; Dark Lady, and Wisdom; as the last sliver before the Dark Moon, it is a time for banishing and repelling magic’s, otherwise it is a time for meditations, divinations, and Dark Power magic’s.

Noncombustible Incense- incense which is compounded without potassium nitrate, and which requires heat (often times from a charcoal disk-not one you grill with either) to release its scent. Compare with combustible incense.

Novice- someone who has just begun studying the Craft.

O.B.E.- out of body experience: astral projection, lucid dreaming

Old Religion- Shamanic and Nature-based religions of pre-Christian Europe.

Old Soul- a person who has been reincarnated many times.

Omen- anything that may be interpreted as a sign, positive or negative, from the universe.

Opening the Circle- ending of a ritual wherein the Circle is uncreated after all magical and spiritual work had been concluded within. This draws the energy field back within the
Practitioner who cast the Circle so it may be assimilated, with the excess energy drained off by touching the palms of the hands to the ground.

Ostara- occurring at the spring equinox, around March 21st, Ostara marks the beginning of true, astronomical spring, when snow and ice make way for green. As such, it is a fire and fertility festival, celebrating the return of the Sun, the God, and the fertility of the Earth (the Goddess).

Ouija Board-board printed with letters and simple words that is used for communicating with spirits and operated by two or more people touching a paten that moves around the board pointing to letters or words.

Pagan- “Rustic”; religion of the country folk who retained the traditions of the Old Religion during the conversion of Europe to the New Religion; used in modern times without distinction to mean anyone who is not Christian, Jewish, or Moslem, or who has no religion. This name is being reclaimed by Wiccans, Witches, Druids, Odinists, and other spiritual groups reviving the practices and beliefs of the Old Religion.

Passing-Over Ritual- a commonly used term for a Pagan funeral service. The name “passing over” comes from the concept of making a passage, or of leaving one plane of existence to the next.

Pendulum- a divinatory device consisting of a string attached to a heavy object, such as a quartz crystal, root, or ring. The free end of the string is held in your hand, the elbow steadied against a flat surface, and a question is asked. The movement of the heavy objects swing determines the answer. A rotation indicates yes or positive energy. A back and forth swing signals the opposite. (There are many methods of deciphering the pendulums movements; use what works best for you.) It is a tool which contacts the Psychic Mind.

Pentacle- symbol of the elemental Earth; but may also be any object, amulet, jewelry, or other type of adornment or charm constructed with a pentagram (five-pointed star in a circle); object of wood, tile, metal, etc. on which is drawn, carved, or engraved with an encircled five-pointed star used on a Witch’s altar. Some times other symbols are included, such as those for the Horned God, the Triple Goddess, planetary sigils, etc.

Pentagram-a drawing, inscription, or hand motion of a five-pointed star, usually within a circle, with the points representing the four Elementals and the Spirit, generally with Air and Water on the left and right arms, Earth and Fire on the left and right legs, Spirit at the top, and the Practitioner in the Center, although the latter two images may be reversed with the Practitioner at the top and Spirit in the Center, particularly during spell work.

Personal Power- that energy which sustains our bodies. It ultimately originates from the Goddess and God (or, rather, the power behind Them.) We first absorb it from our biological mothers within the womb and, later, from food, water, the Moon and Sun and other natural objects. We release personal power during stress, exercise, sex, conception, and childbirth. Magic is often a movement of personal power for a specific goal.

Polarity- the concept of equal, opposite energies. Yin/Yang; Yin is cold/Yang is hot. Other examples of polarity; Goddess/God; night/day; Moon/Sun; birth/death; dark/light; Psychic Mind/Conscious Mind. Universal balance.

Poppet- doll figure used in magical spell casting, usually stuffed with herbs or batting, and meant to be a helper or represent someone.

Poultice- a soft usually heated and sometimes medicated mass spread on cloth and applied to sores or other lesions

Power Hand- the hand a person favors, used in ritual context for the power found in the dominant hand.

Prayer- the act of focusing one’s attention on Deity and engaging in communication. In Wicca, prayer is directed to the Goddess and God or sometimes one or the other.

Projective Hand- the hand that is normally used for manual activities such as writing, peeling apples, and dialing telephone numbers is symbolically thought to be the point at which Personal
Power is sent from the body. In ritual, personal power is visualized as streaming out from the palm or fingers of the hand for various magical goals. This is also the hand in which tools such as the Athame are held. Ambidextrous persons simply choose which hand to utilize for this purpose. Compare to receptive hand.

Psychic Awareness- the act of being consciously psychic, in which the psychic mind and the conscious mind are linked and working in harmony.

Psychic Mind- the subconscious or unconscious mind, in which we receive psychic impulses. The psychic mind is at work when we sleep, dream, and meditate. It is our direct link with the Goddess and God, and with the larger, non-physical world around us. Other related terms: Divination is a ritual process which utilizes the Conscious Mind to contact the psychic mind. Intuition is a term used to describe psychic information which unexpectedly reaches the conscious mind.

Psychism- the act of being consciously psychic, in which the Psychic Mind and the Conscious Mind are linked and working in harmony. Ritual Consciousness is a form of Psychism.

Psychometry- drawing psychic impressions from objects while handling them.

Purging and releasing- lesser exorcism that cleanse and turn away negativity or impediments, absorb negativity to be buried for grounding and dissipating negative energies.

Quarters- Sabbats of Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon, also known as the Green or Lesser Sabbats. Also the locations of the Elementals during Circle Casting and Opening in which they are evoked.

Receptive Hand- the left hand in right-handed persons, the reverse for left-handed persons. This is the hand through which energy is received into the body. Compare with Projective Hand.

Reincarnation-the doctrine of rebirth. The process of repeating incarnations in human form to allow evolution of the sexless, ageless soul.

Requiem- a funeral service. The word comes from a Latin term meaning “quiet again.”

Rite- celebration of significant periods in a persons life to mark their passage through life’s journey.

Ritual- magical or devotional ceremonies in which energy is raised for Divine communion and/or for the conducting of magic as with spell work. A specific form of movement, manipulation of objects, or inner processes designed to produce desired effects. In religion, ritual is geared toward union with the Divine. In magic, it produces a specific state of consciousness which allows the magician to move energy toward needed goals. A spell is a magical ritual.

Ritual Consciousness- a specific, altered state of awareness necessary to the successful practice of magic. The magician achieves this through the use of visualization and ritual.

Runes-Old Teutonic and Norse alphabet symbols associated with magical meanings and often used as sigils in spells or other magical workings.

Sabbat-eight holy days of Witchcraft and Wicca, representing four solar and four agricultural celebrations. The solar ones are the Spring and Fall Equinoxes; and the Summer and Winter Solstices. The agricultural ones are the harvests of August (grains), October (root), and lambing time of February, and the fullness of Spring in May. Some people reverse the Sabbats for the Southern Hemisphere to celebrate to appropriate seasonal changes, while others prefer to celebrate the dates as part of European heritage.

Sachet- a cloth bag filled with herbs. In herb magic, sachets are used to combine herb mixtures while they slowly release their energies for specific magical goals.

Salve- an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores

Samhain (sow-wen) - a Wiccan festival celebrated October 31st, also known as November Eve,
Hallowmas, Halloween, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Apples. Samhain marks the symbolic death of the Sun God and His passing into the “land of the young” where He awaits rebirth of the Mother Goddess at Yule.

Scrying- psychic divination in which images are seem within a magical tool such as a black mirror, crystal ball, water as well as in things from nature such as clouds, smoke, birds in flight, and so forth. Anything that lends itself as an appropriate medium can by scryed, such as with obsidian.

Séance- gathering of people usually seated around a table, for the purpose of communicating with spirits.

Shaman-priest or medicine man, usually of Native American or Siberian peoples; shamanic practices includes magic, healing, shapeshifting, communication with ancestral spirits, and divination.

Shapeshifting- shamanic practice, often aided by drugs, drumming, and/or dance, of mentally assuming animal form.

Sidhe Moon- second Dark Moon in a solar month, propitious for connecting the Otherworld, adding psychic energy to magical workings.

Sigils- designs drawn or engraved for magical power.

Skyclad-being naked in a Wiccan ritual.

Smudging- Native American cleansing ritual in which a place or a person is cleansed and purified through smoke, usually generated through burning of sage or a sage, sweet grass, lemongrass combination, although tobacco may also be used. Used by Witches in some types of Circle Casting, healings, and cleansing rituals.

Solar Eclipse- emblem of the God in his aspects of Dark Lord, Lord of Shadows, Death, Chaos, Resurrection, Hunter, and Leader of the Wild Hunt.

Solitary/Solitaire- witch who practices alone, without a coven.

So Mote It Be! - given as an emphatic statement of affirmation and finality in the working of a spell and in portions of Circle Casting and Opening, and other rituals. May be substituted with “It Is Done!”

Spells- a magical ritual, usually nonreligious in nature and often accompanied by spoken word. Magic is gathered and directed in ritual to achieve a goal, thus spells are vehicles of magical workings utilizing the movement of energy through the power of spoken word or formula, be it in a ritual, brew, charm, amulet, talisman, or crafted item created for magical purpose, generating intent into manifestation.

Spirit- the essence of individual beings; the soul.

Summerland- underworld realm where the rested spirit may enjoy a paradise of light and joy, and where the spirit may remain or move onto rebirth.

Symbols-letters and designs used in Craft work and spells.

Symbolism-meanings and interpretations for divination images and omens.

Talisman-an object such as a ring or pendant, engraved with magical symbols to bring good fortune, offer protection, ward misfortune, etc. It is a type of charm.

Tarot- deck of seventy-eight cards, descended from those created in India carried into Northern Italy by Romany Gypsies, originally used in a game called Tarrochi in the fifteenth century and now used mainly in divination; the deck contains seventy-eight cards, of which twenty-two are archetype cards called the Major Arcana, fifty-two are typical of regular playing cards, and four additional cards are Pages or Princesses (in our deck, the elementals) for each of the four suits, called the Minor Arcana. In modern card decks, the Swords became Spades, the Cups are Hearts, Disks/Coins/Pentacles are Diamonds, and the Wands/Rods are Clubs.

Telekinesis- ability to move object with your mind (also called psychokinesis, PK; telekinesis is a very rare gift that usually manifests accidently when a person is angry or upset and is more often seen in adolescence and fades with age.)

Third Eye- chakra in the middle of the forehead.

Tincture- a liquid produced by soaking plant materials in ethyl alcohol (or medicinally, in apple
cider vinegar) to produce a scented liquid.

Tools- a word much-used in Wicca, this term includes both physical objects used to facilitate
Wiccan ritual (censers, wands, candles, salt, water, incense, etc.) as well as internal process (visualization, concentration, among others). In some forms of magic, this term also refers to stones, herbs, colors, and other sources of power utilized it spells.

Totem Animal- animal that represents a person, tribe, or other group. An animal whose spiritual essence represents an aspect of a human being. On this spiritual level, the animal becomes a working partner in much the same way as the familiar does in the physical. The greatest difference is that the totem animal is able to literally become a part of its partner whenever its attributes are needed.

Traditions- word used by Wiccans or Witchcraft denominations dating from the 1940s onward, with many requiring a chain of denominational initiation based on the specific Tradition’s instructions- not the same as Family Tradition or Hereditary Tradition, which are passed along within the family unit or extended family through multiple generations, and whose members may also be called Bloodline Witches.

Transition- means “change”. When a pagan refers to transition in terms of a death, he or she is referring to the fact that the spirit has moved on to another existence.

Triple Goddess and Triple God- Goddess as threefold Maiden, Mother, and Crone; God as threefold Youth, Father, Sage with the interpretation for the God depending on the mythic symbology used in a Tradition.

Turning of the Wheel- passage thru the yearly cycle of the eight Sabbats; hence, the passage of the year marked by the celebrations therein, and the following of the myth of the God as the Oak King and the Holly King, and the roles of the Goddess as Maiden, Mother and Crone through the course of the year.

Twelfth Night- Naming Day ritual time of January 6th, twelve days after the departure of the Holly King on December 25.

Visualization-the process of forming mental images. Magical visualization consists of forming images of needed goals during ritual. Visualization is also used to direct personal power and natural energies during magic for various purposes, including charging and forming the magic circle. It is a function of the conscious mind.

Wand-symbol of elemental Fire; a tool for gathering and transferring energy in the presence of magic; may be made of a branch of wood, generally in length of ones forearm, from a tree selected for the type of correlation of the wood to the main type of magic conducted: oak (God focused), hazel (Witch and Nature focused), elder, and willow (Goddess focused) being popular choices; may also be of crystal or metal tubing filled with herbs, crystals, etc.; and all may be wrapped with copper wire or contain a copper rod within.

Waning Moon- lunar phase of the Crone for magic work and spells involving diminishment, exorcisms, repelling, or banishing.

Water- elemental representing West; Sunset; blue/gray; maturity; emotion; psychic ability; intuition; the tarot suit of cups; love; feeling; subconscious mind.

Waxing Moon- lunar phase of the Maiden for magic work and spells involving the initiations, new beginnings, drawings, and increases.

Wheel of the Year- annual cycle of the Sun, the Moon, the seasons, the Zodiac

Witch’s Bottle- sealed bottle placed in the house or buried on the property for protection. There are many ways to make a witch’s bottle. Inside the bottle, there may be herbs, sharp things, menstrual blood, sugar, salt, etc. depending on the correspondences and the purposes. A bottle or jar containing herbs, pins, shards of glass, and other objects, designed to protect a person or area from evil and curses. Usually buried or placed in a window.

White-Handled Knife- a normal cutting knife, with a sharp blade and white handle. It is used within Wicca to cut herbs and fruits, to slice bread during The Simple Feast (communion with the Goddess and God) and other functions-but never for sacrifice. Sometimes called a Bolline. Compare with Athame.

White Sabbats- the Cross-Quarter or Greater Sabbats of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh.

Wicca- a contemporary Pagan religion with spiritual roots in Shamanism and the earliest expressions of reverence to nature. Among its major motifs are: reverence for the Goddess and God; reincarnation; magic; ritual observances of the Full Moon; astronomical and agricultural phenomena; spheroid temples created with personal power, in which rituals occur, etc.

Wiccan-a follower of Wicca. Alternately, denoting some aspect of that religion.
Wiccan Rede-originally called the Witches’ Rede, the long version is usually summed up in the admonition, “An’ it harm none, do as thou wilt”; Witches’ Law.

Widdershins- Anti-clockwise motion, usually in the Northern Hemisphere for negative magical purposes or for dispersing negative energies or conditions such as disease. Southern Hemisphere Wiccans may use Widdershins motions for exactly the opposite purposes; namely for positive ends, for the reasons stated under Deosil. In either case, Widdershins and Deosil motions are symbolic; only strict, close minded traditionalists believe that accidently walking around the altar backwards, for instance, will raise negativity. Some Wiccans walk Widdershins at the end of a rite to close the circle.

Witch-anciently, a European practitioner of the remnants of pre-Christian folk magic, particularly relating to herbs, healing, wells, rivers, and stones. One who practiced Witchcraft. Later, this term’s meaning was deliberately altered to denote demented, dangerous, supernatural beings who practiced destructive magic and who threatened Christianity. This change was a political, monetary, and sexist move on the part of organized religion, not a change in the practices of Witches. This later, erroneous meaning is still accepted by many non-Witches. It is also, somewhat surprisingly, used by some members of Wicca to describe them.

Witchcraft- the “Craft of the Wise” Nature based magical religion and practice; the Old Religion of Pagan Europe.

Wort- an old term meaning herb. Mugwort preserves the word.

Yule-a Wiccan festival celebrated on or about December 21st, marking the rebirth of the Sun God from the Earth Goddess. A time of joy and celebration during the miseries of winter. Yule occurs on the winter solstice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pre-Ritual Routine

I was just working on some homework for my philosophy of world religions class and one of my classmates asked about cleansing.

I know we do a lot of it pre-ritual, during, and post-ritual. So I was wondering, is there anything you do the same every time, or what do you do to change it up a bit? What kinds of things do you visualize????

Sorry so short, brains kinda killin me after homework. So anywho ttyl!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Checkin in

Hey there,
Been a while again, working on posting these vid's I've made for YouTube. I have a ton of them they just take so long to upload I get behind so I'm doing a few when I can. Just painted my toes, they were black, now they are blood red lol. Valentine's day was nice, I got to spend it with my family: Kevin and Lily. We got to sleep in, he went out and got us breakfast, what a man! Then I got a huge box of chocolates and a sweet card. He handed my the box of chocolates and said "you better gain at least a pound from eating these" and I had just 1 and I literally popped the button off one of my favorite pairs of jeans, I was like hell didn't even take TWO peices, just ONE! Then we cleaned house together--how romantic lol--- he got lily a card with Nemo and lots of glitter, and he got her some chapstix-bubble gum flavor, cotton candy flavor, and cookie dough flavor, then we decided we would do Lily's 4th b-day party that night. Her b-day is the 22nd, but we don't have her that weekend, so we decided to do it then, so we had his mom and dad over and she got some puzzles juice and an outfit, animal crackers, m&m's, etc. Kevin got her scoobie movies and shrek 2 (was supposed to be shrek 1 but they covered the 2 up with a sticker so he got the wrong one) then we had spaghetti and texas toast mmmm and funtetti cake and napoleon ice cream. I am getting her a big girl bed for her bday but was waiting for the frame I ordered online to get here, which it just got delivered today at 11:08am so its in my living room, waiting for kevin to get home from work so maybe we can set it up. We got the mattress in storage, its my old one from my day bed when i was younger, and his dad has a box spring, and my mom had a bookcase style headboard which will be good to hold her DVD's, and I got some real cute pink sheets for it. When its all set up ill post a pic. Yesterday I went to the movies with my sister to see Uninvited. It was great up til the end, you know how they switch everything around the last minute, so we were totally lost at the end, even talked to a stranger to try to understand it but it was totally whack. It wasn't even that scary. So yea, posted the pics of that and stuff on my myspace, and am going to post a vid i made in the car with my sis eventually. Like I said they take forever to upload, so anywho that is for now. TTYL! Time to clean house!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lost at Work...

Migraine Pictures, Images and Photos

Sorry I went MIA, just been working like a crazy lady.

Friday 8 hours (just a regular day)
Saturday 16 hours (4 hours of sleep)
Sunday 12 hours (2 hours of sleep and an hour nap cuz I had school)
Monday 8 hours (Plus my migraine but I got sleep finally!)

So I just gotta get through today and we are all good. Its 54 outside right now--how awesome is that! But i gotta work :( I'd rather sit outside.

Still havent been able to get my ritual done, but it will be or I will not be happy.

My friends father passed away, his funeral is Thursday, so thats where I'll be.

Well g2g now have to work again!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Constructing my Ice Moon Esbat Ritual

February is the Ice Moon, in which is a time to renew our energy. Since the heaviest snow usually falls during this month, native tribes of the North and East most often call February's Full Moon the Full Snow Moon. Some tribes also referred to this Moon was the Full Hunger Moon since harsh weather conditions in their areas made hunting very difficult.

The influence of Full Moons is felt three days before and three days after, giving you a while week to perform the Esbat ritual, but I try to make it as close to the actual day as possible. We use Full Moons to do magic in completion, success, gains, and accomplishments. They are also good for abundance, animal blessings, banishing negativity, business success, drawing power, employment, energy, friendship, garden blessing, health, love, meditation, otherworld, peace, self cleansing, and strength.

Some things that are helpful to look up about certain moon's are:

-the names
-power flow

This is the correspondences for this next Full Moon
Ice Moon (February)

Also known as: Storm Moon, Horning Moon, Hunger Moon, Wild Moon, Red & Cleansing Moon, Quickening Moon, Solmonath (Sun Month), Big Winter Moon

Nature Spirits: house faeries, both of the home itself and of house plants

Herbs: balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard

Colors: light blue, violet

Flowers: primrose

Scents: wisteria, heliotrope

Stones: amethyst, jasper, rock crystal

Trees: rowan, laurel, cedar

Animals: otter, unicorn

Birds: eagle, chickadee

Deities: Brigit, Juno, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite

Power Flow: energy working toward the surface; purification, growth, healing. Loving the self. Accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans.

This is also a great time to make moon water (which at this time of the year is a great time to use that abundance of snow outside.) if using snow, make sure it is melted, strained through a coffee filter a few times to get the chunks of stuff out like sticks and vegitation, and make sure you boil it well to kill any microscopic nasties. Then you can empower it and charge it with the moon light! Use it over the next month for watering plants, offerings, spell work, etc.)

ok so using this info, see what you can come up with. When I finally get mine done I will post it :D Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

Blessed Be

Thursday, February 5, 2009


internet Pictures, Images and Photos

Ok I have been working on making more videos, kind of trying to think of ideas to vlog about. I am currently uploading another one --woot 2 in one day! So we'll see how it goes. If you get time check it out! Here are the addys to my stuff.
mooseph 2005 for AIM
mooseph_2005 for yahoo my main email

Blessed Be!


Esbat Pictures, Images and Photos

Esbats are rites held for the purpose of communing with the Moon's energies and are regarded as the time for most magickal workings. As opposed to the Sabbats, which are fire or sun festivals, Esbats are dedicated to the Moon in her various phases. These are considered the 'working' celebrations, the time in which to attract, banish, invoke protection, or to perform any other magickal workings. Most Sabbat festivals are held in order to celebrate the changing of the seasons, the gathering of the harvest, etc. The Esbats are held in honor of the Goddess. The Lunar Year contains 13 Full Moons. These have all been called by various names in the past but the ones that seem to have become the most popular are:

January Wolf Moon Fearn - Alder
February Ice or Storm Moon Saille - Willow
March Chaste Moon Nuin - Ash
April Seed or Growing Moon Huathe - Hawthorn
May Hare Moon Duiir - Oak
June Mead Moon Tinne - Holly
July Hay Moon Coll - Hazel
August Corn Moon Muin - Vine
September Harvest Moon Gort - Ivy
October Blood Moon Ngetal - Reed
November Snow Moon Beth - Birch
December Oak or Cold Moon Luis - Rowan

But that's only 12 you say? That's because the 13th Moon is called the Blue Moon, this occurs when four full moons fall within the same season (as regular seasons only have 3 full moons, the fourth full moon between solstice and equinox, or vice versa, is the Blue Moon). Obviously this must happen once a year, and always at a different time due to the inaccuracies of the modern calendar. The Celts originally set their year to correspond with the 13 moons but with the coming of the Romans and their method of calendar keeping this tradition was lost. Their 13th Moon was called Ruis or Elder. The Blue Moon is considered the 'goal moon', at this time it is customary to set specific goals for yourself and to review your accomplishments and failures since the last one.

The other 12 Moons all have special meanings as well.

January is the time to conserve energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else. It is also a time for protection rites and reversing spells. During this month the energy flow is sluggish and below the surface.

February is the time for loving the self, accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans. At this time the energy flow is working toward the surface; good for purification, growth, and healing.

March is the time for new beginnings, breaking illusions, and seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt. The energy flow breaks into the open, a good time for growing, prospering, and exploring. Light and Dark are in balance now.

April is the time for working on your temper, emotional flare-ups, and selfishness. The energy is flowing into creating and producing; a good time for change, self-confidence issues, taking advantage of opportunities, and realizing self-reliance.

May is the time for strengthening the connections with supernatural protectors and beings around you. The energy is in full flow making this a good time for intuition, propagating, and connecting with faeries and nature spirits.

June is the time for decision making, taking responsibility for present happenings, working on personal inconsistencies, and for strengthening and rewarding yourself for your positive traits. The energy is in full, but restive, flow, the Earth tides are turning making this a good time for protection, strengthening, and prevention spells.

July is the time for dream-work, divination, and meditation on spiritual goals and plans. The energy is slower and more relaxed, proper for success and prosperity spells. This month is the time to start preparing for the colder and darker months ahead.

August is the time for harvesting, gathering, and appreciating. The energy flow is slowing more and now is the time of vitality, health, and friendships.

September is the time for organizing and straightening up physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter. The energy flow is resting and Light and Dark are in balance.

October is the time for inner cleansing. Meditate on the laws of Karma and thoughts of reincarnation. This is the time of letting go, justice, balance, and inner harmony.

November is the month of transformation. It is time to prepare for the coming winter and a time to strengthen communication with the god or goddess closest to you. The energy flow is taking root and preparing to flow once more.

December is the time of Spiritual Paths. The Earth tides are turning and it is time to reach out to friends and family, the lonely, and the needy. This is the month of death and renewal. Spells should should be aimed at endurance and provision.

Hopefully this info will help in designing Esbat Rituals in the future.
FYI-the next full moon is February 9, 2009 Monday

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm feeling much better now, ate my first real food in almost 2 days. Took a nice nap and that helped. So now I am just doing my thing with my boyfriend sleeps on the couch. Thats about all, nothing special...


Gatorade Pictures, Images and Photos

jello Pictures, Images and Photos

jello love Pictures, Images and Photos

Sorry I haven't posted anything. I have been sick and spending a long amount of time of the couch. I had some vernors but that wouldn't stay down, was achy, tired, feverish, sometimes i was chilled then i'd be burning up and had to get everything off of me. I was gonna go to the store to get gatorade and jello but I couldn't make it off the couch without my belly starting to roll-hence the vernors coming back.

Sorry if its TMI but yea, that all I have to write about right now. My WONDERFUL boyfriend got me the gatorade and strawberry jello on his way home from work. How I love him so!!!

Oh! Yesterday I ran to one of my witchy friends houses to pick of a small round table for a portable altar, and she makes artist trading cards, so she gave me one of those and an altar cloth she had made for the table, kind of like a quilt style. I am so not creative it ain't even funny.

So thats about it. I'm clean and minty now, I have to go to class by 8am to take a math test, what joy! Then I get to come home and J-E-L-L-O!

Blessed Be!


Monday, February 2, 2009

Blessed Imbolc!

Imbolc Pictures, Images and Photos

So far today I got up at the crack of dawn for class. Its not as warm as yesterday, there's a bit of crisp in the air. I drove to school, went to Algebra, then found a cool new spot to do my studying with my 2 hrs between class. I like it better than my other new spot because its got a whole wall of windows and the sun was shining through it making me warm enough to shed my coat. So its almost 11am, so I go up to my Philosophy of World Religions class only to find out it was cancelled and I sat there for 2 extra hours for nothing...go figure. So I got home a bit early, the clouds have started rolling in. I fed the kitties, then decided to run to the store. I got more eggs, cake mix and frosting with sprinkles! little debbies and a bag of doritos with the two different kind of chips to snack on, dry cat food and cat treats. Then I realized we were almost out of milk and I forgot to buy some so I swung into the gas station. When I got home I shoveled a path to the back yard where my garden hibernates and my bird feeders lay barren. Then I go inside, take the little bit of milk I had left and pour it onto the part of my garden I uncovered, and watched it melt the snow, as I thought of a plentiful, healthy garden. Then I make the jug into another bird feeder since the squirrel destroyed my other one. Filled them up with the last of my seed, and on the way back in, it went from spooky quiet to tons of loud chitter chatters from the birds like they were saying "CHOW TIME!" So now I am going to bake my cake. Later I will do my ritual after my love goes to work, and I don't know what it'll consist of yet, but I do plan on incorporating melting snow into it. So I'll be on later to add whatever I end up doing! Blessed Imbolc!

Ok I'm back again, did my ritual thingy, posted a new vid on youtube. Posted pics of my ritual on

Right now I am melting snow, then straining it through a coffee filter, then boiling it to kill any remaining nasties, then when its cooled down, I shall store it for future ritual use. Good old snow water!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Going to babysit...

Alyvia Pictures, Images and Photos

Leavin in a few to babysit for my friend, her daughter is Alyvia. I am so tired, but hey I do what I can to help.

Had some disturbing dreams tho...

first one my brother and his wife were preggers, and they were tryin to have a baby (which is funny cuz last i knew she was on birth control)

second one, I was after my friends man and I told her what i did and she got mad naturally and i told her please dont be mad, you were ok then

i asked for visions not crazy fest man these are NOT visions....

Ok here I am again (11:22pm). I took a nap cuz I am so freakin tired. Maybe ritual sapped it outta me? I still don't know what I should do for my OWN Imbolc celebration at home. I was thinking I could make a cake, and smudge my house, milk offering, dunno what else tho. I'm gonna try to research some of that when I got time in between classes tomorrow, and when I figure it out, I'll post what I did.

So baby sitting went well, I cleaned her kitchen. I did all the dishes and scubbed stuff, and it was so perty when I was done. I wish I had a big kitchen like hers and I love the old looking windows, and man do they let the light in! OHHHHHHH that REMINDS me! When I was scrubbin dishes, I looked out the window in front of me and saw something moving. Then I realized it was a FREAKIN HUUUUGGGEEE HAWK, and I stood there watching for a while, then it grabbed whatever it was eating and flew off with it in its talons. It was so cool. Then when I let their dog out to go potty there was a fat squirrel, and man was that stinker cute!

It was strangly warm today, like 41 degrees, but don't get used to it they said, cuz its going back down into the 20's the rest of the week. Gotta love Michigan weather. So anyways, I'm going to finish up this groovy stuff for class tomorrow, then I'm hittin the shower and bed. Gotta be up about 7am tomorrow, what joy!

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