Simply Me...

My photo
Flint, Michigan, United States
Here's my names Jenn, been practicing Paganism for 11 years now. I love being outdoors. I live with my boyfriend of over five years. He has a daughter who is 6 years old, and I love her as if she were my own. I have four cats, two are outdoors, and two are indoors. One indoor one, Willow, is my familiar and on my facebook you'll notice a ton of pics of her! My videos, followers, and contact info are at the very bottom of the page! This blog is for witchie stuff, daily life events, venting, journaling, and answering any questions. Ways you can contact me is through this blog, or my yahoo e-mail:, or

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lost at Work...

Migraine Pictures, Images and Photos

Sorry I went MIA, just been working like a crazy lady.

Friday 8 hours (just a regular day)
Saturday 16 hours (4 hours of sleep)
Sunday 12 hours (2 hours of sleep and an hour nap cuz I had school)
Monday 8 hours (Plus my migraine but I got sleep finally!)

So I just gotta get through today and we are all good. Its 54 outside right now--how awesome is that! But i gotta work :( I'd rather sit outside.

Still havent been able to get my ritual done, but it will be or I will not be happy.

My friends father passed away, his funeral is Thursday, so thats where I'll be.

Well g2g now have to work again!


1 comment:

  1. I hope you'll have time to do your ritual and relax soon.


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