Sacred Birch Society
Second Year Study Program
Course Overview
PURPOSE: To provide individual learners more in-depth study of the history of the Craft and a structured approach to studying and practicing a particular Craft tradition.
PERIOD OF STUDY: approximately 12 months; variable depending on the learner and format
COURSE OVERVIEW: The learner and facilitator will investigate possible resources (books, web sites, tutors), and agree on reading assignments for history, theology / Deities, rituals, and divination related to the learner’s chosen tradition.
The learning will develop a detailed written report on each topic area, and after receiving feedback will work with the facilitator to develop some type of sharing of the learning in summation either via web posting, a mini-class, or a presentation at a Coffee and Craft Chat or some similar experience.
Develop a personal meditation cycle and submit a monthy meditation report.
Complete the “Pagan site assignment” Sometime during 2nd year studies please make plans to visit a “Sacred Site”. Examples of this could be one of many Native American sites in Michigan and throughout the U.S. American Stonehenge in NH and even Salem, MA would be an excellent choice. After you have selected your destination, write about why this is a Sacred Site to you and what significance it has on your spirituality. Write about the history of the area (ie: markers, museums, or people you find there). You may also include the original indigenous people of the area and their beliefs in relation to the site. Be sure to add a travelogue (a combination travel diary and reflection of your visit).
Complete the “History of Witchcraft”/ Ritual style essay assignment (note: the sharing of your learning for this assignment need only focus on your chosen tradition). Hint: ( my chosen tradition is Eclectic and I tend to gather information from Celtic, Egyptian and Native American Indians. Hope this gives you an idea.
Create a chart of major Deities/Patheons, include their attributes and major correspondences from your chosen tradition. (When starting this contact me for more information – and helpful handout).
Thirteen archetypes Goddess: Maiden/Virgin/Daughter, Mother, Crone/Dark Mother, Lover, Warrior, Huntress/Lady of the Beast, Healers, Queen/Creator, Goddess of the Harvest/Fertility, Magician/Shaman, Goddess of Justice, Goddess of Fate and Destiny, Goddess of the Underworld
o Pick 2 goddess from the archetypes discussed and write a short essay on each
o Write a short essay on the goddess that speaks to you most or the one that you are most interested in. Different from the 2 goddess archetypes you chose.
o Find an explain a creation myth from your tradition. It can include a god or goddess.
§ Twelve archetypes God: Sacred Son/Divine Child, Lord of Love/Fertility, Lord of Creation/Heavens/Father God, Lord of the Forest and Animals, Lord of the Healing, Trickster Lords, Lord of Judgment and Prophecy, Hero/Warrior Lords, Magician Lords, Lord of the Waters, Sacrificed Savoir Lords, Lord of Death/Underworld.
o Pick 2 gods from the archetypes discussed and write an essay on each
o Write a short essay on the god that speaks to you most or the one that you are most interested in. Please choose one not from question 1.
Complete the “Ritual and Marking of Events Through Your Chosen Tradition” essay assignment. Make a timeline of when you got involved with the pagan beliefs and the events you have attended/been involved with including celebrations/rituals attended, solitary rituals performed, lessons/studies, special events ect.
Write a ritual for each Sabbat. (Yule, Imbolic, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon and Samhain)
Design and perform a ritual (the 8 Sabbats) from your chosen tradition sometime during this 2nd year study. When you have completed writing the ritual of your choice then arrangements will be made for you to perform the ritual at a SBS celebration. If you are shy, you can co-perform the ritual with another SBS member.
Pick one herb that you will work with for the course of the next year. Try to learn everything you can about this herb. Write a short essay on this herb. Things to include: origin & history, how it is grown, how it’s used in both magical and mundane worlds. Try to use it at least once a week, magical or mundane. Learn to identify your herb in nature, Family/genus/species, parts used, mundane uses, Rx/ treatment uses, warnings, and other information. (Different one from 1st year study).
Complete several divination readings of a chosen type from your tradition OR if your tradition is not known for divination, then select a type you have not explored before. (The selection must be different than your first year studies).
o ‘Why did you chose this divination
o What is the history of this divination
o How many readings did you do? Summarize the readings: Were you on target? Did your reading make sense to them? Is this form one that you will continue to use? What did you like about this divination? What didn’t you like?
Chakras: Make a chart including; naming, location, colors associated with each, and how to cleanse each Chakras.
Zodiac Signs: make a chart of the 12 astrological signs. Include:
o “Strength” Keywords
o “Weakness” Keywords
o Element
o Symbol
o Colors
o Gems
o Metals
Throughout the course, make any needed additions to your glossary or correspondence tables and submit updates of these at the end of your study.
Simply Me...
- Amistis Reudan
- Flint, Michigan, United States
- Here's my names Jenn, been practicing Paganism for 11 years now. I love being outdoors. I live with my boyfriend of over five years. He has a daughter who is 6 years old, and I love her as if she were my own. I have four cats, two are outdoors, and two are indoors. One indoor one, Willow, is my familiar and on my facebook you'll notice a ton of pics of her! My videos, followers, and contact info are at the very bottom of the page! This blog is for witchie stuff, daily life events, venting, journaling, and answering any questions. Ways you can contact me is through this blog, or my yahoo e-mail:, or
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
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Sounds really intresting :)