Simply Me...

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Flint, Michigan, United States
Here's my names Jenn, been practicing Paganism for 11 years now. I love being outdoors. I live with my boyfriend of over five years. He has a daughter who is 6 years old, and I love her as if she were my own. I have four cats, two are outdoors, and two are indoors. One indoor one, Willow, is my familiar and on my facebook you'll notice a ton of pics of her! My videos, followers, and contact info are at the very bottom of the page! This blog is for witchie stuff, daily life events, venting, journaling, and answering any questions. Ways you can contact me is through this blog, or my yahoo e-mail:, or

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ritual Preparation Guidelines

Ritual Preparation Guidelines
A. Define purpose
B. Write ritual
C. Gather necessary tools
D. Prepare area
E. Prepare body

A. Purpose

What is the significance of this ritual? Is it a Sabbat or Esbat? What are you looking to accomplish?

 Sabbat – what is the major focus of this Sabbat?
 Esbat- what sign is the sun/moon in?

B. Write Ritual

Using the ritual outline, create a ritual, making sure to double check for errors and possible changes that may be needed.

 Is it easy to follow?
 Is everything included that should be?
 Does everyone have their roles defined?
 Is this a solitary or group ritual?
 Does it clearly demonstrate the goal?

C. Gather Necessary Tools

Make sure you have everything you need ahead of time to avoid confusion and disorganization
This may include:

 Herbs
 Incense (making loose incense)
 Censer
 Offering Plate
 Broom
 Cauldron
 Robe
 Bell
 BoS
 Bowl for Water
 Bowl for Salt
 Spritzer
 Altar Cloth
 Bolline
 Athame
 Wand
 Cup/Chalice
 Altar Pentacle
 Altar Candles
 Goddess/ God Candle
 Oils (blending oils)
 Candles (anointing candles)
 Stones
 Checking Correspondences
 Determining Directions
 Who Is Calling Directions
 Cakes And Ale Set Up
 Astrological Positions
 Cleansing Tools Prior To Use (see below)

*Cleansing, Blessing, Charging and Protecting Tools*
Needed Items: sea salt, incense, water, candle
Mix sea salt and water. Stir (clockwise) to dissolve the salt in the water. Light candle and incense. Dip your fingertips into the salt water, sprinkle it onto the tool you wish to cleanse and bless and say:

I bless this (tool name) by the power of earth and water.
Now run the tool through the flame of the candle and the smoke of the incense and say:
I charge this (tool name) by the power of fire and air.
Next, with the index finger of your projective hand, trace a pentagram over the tool. Visualize electric-blue or purple flames streaming from your fingers to form the monogram and say:
With this pentagram and (tool name) I wish to protect
Cleansed of all negativity, harm will deflect

My magickal hand charges with success
And asks the Goddess and God to bless

I now invoke the law of three:
This is my will, so mote it be!
(Do this with all your tools and any other object you wish to cleanse bless charge and protect.)

D. Prepare Area

It is important to plan out and prepare the area where the ritual will take place. Here are a few things to consider:

 Make sure to avoid and prevent interruptions- take the phone off the hook, lock the doors, post a “do not disturb” sign, maybe have to find somewhere else for children and animals to be if the occasions call for it (incorporate children if desired which is totally based on the individual and the group).
 Remember, an interruption won’t ruin your ritual unless you let it.
 Accommodate space needed based on how many people are expected.
 Set up a working altar where the circle is to be cast. This physically prepares the area to become sacred while simultaneously psychologically preparing the participants to enter that space. (Also may have visual aids on the altar.)
 Determine the timing of the ritual so everyone knows when to be prepared.
 Cleanse the space prior to ritual by:
o Smudging
o Sweeping with besom
o Using a feather to sweep clean
o Carrying a white and/or black candle
o Spritzer of salt water
o Visualization
o Carrying each element around the circle area

E. Prepare Body

 Ritual Bath (or Shower)
o Whenever possible, take a ritual bath prior to ritual. It is beneficial to wash away everyday tensions before entering sacred space. In addition to being a spiritually as well as physically cleansing event, immersion in water links us with our most primal memories. If you cannot take a bath, a shower will also work. (Visualize the nasties flowing out of you and down the drain, leaving you pure and fresh.)
o If you do not have access to water, you can use incense, or a bell, or a few minutes of light drumming or meditation for the same cleansing effect.
o The goal is to enter the circle with a clear mind and an untroubled heart. You are trying to meet your friends, including Deity, on a higher/deeper level than in day-to-day life.

 Ritual Dress

Ritual Dress is another way to mentally prepare oneself for ritual.

o Nudity (optional, solitaries though some groups do practice ritual nudity as well)
o Robes (may be in specific colors or styles depending on ritual purpose)
o Jewelry (pentagrams, earrings, bracelets, etc)
o Any Other Ritually Significant Accessories (hats, shoes, bags, etc)

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