Simply Me...

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Flint, Michigan, United States
Here's my names Jenn, been practicing Paganism for 11 years now. I love being outdoors. I live with my boyfriend of over five years. He has a daughter who is 6 years old, and I love her as if she were my own. I have four cats, two are outdoors, and two are indoors. One indoor one, Willow, is my familiar and on my facebook you'll notice a ton of pics of her! My videos, followers, and contact info are at the very bottom of the page! This blog is for witchie stuff, daily life events, venting, journaling, and answering any questions. Ways you can contact me is through this blog, or my yahoo e-mail:, or

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Gatorade Pictures, Images and Photos

jello Pictures, Images and Photos

jello love Pictures, Images and Photos

Sorry I haven't posted anything. I have been sick and spending a long amount of time of the couch. I had some vernors but that wouldn't stay down, was achy, tired, feverish, sometimes i was chilled then i'd be burning up and had to get everything off of me. I was gonna go to the store to get gatorade and jello but I couldn't make it off the couch without my belly starting to roll-hence the vernors coming back.

Sorry if its TMI but yea, that all I have to write about right now. My WONDERFUL boyfriend got me the gatorade and strawberry jello on his way home from work. How I love him so!!!

Oh! Yesterday I ran to one of my witchy friends houses to pick of a small round table for a portable altar, and she makes artist trading cards, so she gave me one of those and an altar cloth she had made for the table, kind of like a quilt style. I am so not creative it ain't even funny.

So thats about it. I'm clean and minty now, I have to go to class by 8am to take a math test, what joy! Then I get to come home and J-E-L-L-O!

Blessed Be!


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